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setTimeout(function() { $("#subscriber-form").trigger('reset'); }, 3000); } else { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Something Went Wrong Try Again Latter!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 3000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }); setTimeout(function() { notice.className = notice.className.replace("show", ""); $("#subscriber-form").trigger('reset'); }, 3000); } } }); }); }); // manage wishlist function manage_wishlist(pid, type, qty, vid) { var pid = pid; var type = type; var qty = qty; var vid = vid; $.ajax({ url: "manage_wishlist.php", method: "POST", data: { type: type, pid: pid, qty: qty, vid: vid }, success: function(response) { if(response.trim() == "allready_exit") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Your Product Already exits in wishlist !', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 1500, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }); } else if(response.trim() == "not_login") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Good Job! Please login first !', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 1500, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }); } else { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Your product was added to wishlist successfully!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 1500, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: '#151515' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1500)); $('.wishlist-counter').html(response); } } }); } // add to cart function manage_wishlist2(pid, type, qty, vid) { var pid = pid; var type = type; var qty = $("#qty_details").val(); var vid = $("#attr_id").val(); $.ajax({ url: "manage_wishlist.php", method: "POST", data: { type: type, pid: pid, qty: qty, vid: vid }, success: function(response) { if(response.trim() == "allready_exit") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Your Product Already exits in wishlist !', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 1500, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }); } else if(response.trim() == "not_login") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Good Job! Please login first !', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 1500, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }); } else { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Your product was added to wishlist successfully!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 1500, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: '#151515' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1000)); $('.wishlist-counter').html(response); } } }); } function manageCartDatabase(pid, type, qty, vid) { var pid = pid; var type = type; var qty = qty; var vid = vid; $.ajax({ url: "manage_cart_database.php", method: "POST", data: { pid: pid, type: type, qty: qty, vid: vid }, success: function(response) { if(response.trim() == "updated_qty") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Your Product Quantity added in cart !', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'green' }); } else if(response.trim() == "not_login") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Good Job! Please login first !', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }); } else { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Your product was added to cart successfully!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: '#151515' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1000)); $('.cart-counter').html(response); } } }); } function manage_cart2(pid, type, qty, vid) { var pid = pid; var type = type; var qty = $("#qty_details").val(); var vid = $("#attr_id").val(); if(vid==""){ Snackbar.show({ text: 'Please Select Color And Size', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }); }else{ $.ajax({ url: "manage_cart_database.php", method: "POST", data: { pid: pid, type: type, qty: qty, vid: vid }, success: function(response) { if(response.trim() == "allready_exit") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Your Product Already exits in cart !', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }); } else if(response.trim() == "not_login") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Good Job! Please login first !', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }); } else { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Your product was added to cart successfully!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: '#151515' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1000)); $('.cart-counter').html(response); } } }); } } function deleteCart(pid, action) { $.ajax({ url: "manage_cart_database.php", method: "POST", data: { pid: pid, action: action }, success: function(response) { if(response.trim() == "success") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Your product was successfully remove from cart!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'green' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1500)); } else { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Try Again Latter!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1000)); } } }); } function deleteWishlist(pid, action) { $.ajax({ url: "manage_wishlist.php", method: "POST", data: { pid: pid, action: action }, success: function(response) { if(response.trim() == "success") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Your product was successfully remove from wishlist!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'green' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1000)); } else { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Try Again Latter!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1000)); } } }); } // contact form submition $(document).ready(function() { $("#contact-form-contact-page").submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "contact_form_action.php", data: new FormData(this), processData: false, contentType: false, cache: false, beforeSend: function() { $("#contact-submit-btn").html("PLEASE WAIT"); $("#contact-submit-btn").attr("disabled", "disabled"); }, success: function(response) { if(response.trim()=="success") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Thank you for contact us !', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'green' }, setTimeout(function() { $("#contact-form-contact-page").trigger('reset'); $("#contact-submit-btn").html("Send"); $("#contact-submit-btn").removeAttr("disabled"); }, 1500)); } else { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Try Again latter !', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }, setTimeout(function() { $("#contact-form-contact-page").trigger('reset'); $("#contact-submit-btn").html("Send"); $("#contact-submit-btn").removeAttr("disabled"); }, 1500)); } } }); }); }); // setup coupan system function set_coupon() { var discoun_coupon = $("#checkout-discount-input").val(); if(discoun_coupon==""){ Snackbar.show({ text: 'Please Input Coupon Code !', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }); }else{ $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "set_coupon.php", data: { discoun_coupon: discoun_coupon }, success: function(response) { var data = $.parseJSON(response); if(data.is_error == "not_login"){ Snackbar.show({ text: 'Good Job! Login first and apply code', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }); } if(data.is_error == 'yes') { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Coupon is not valid', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }); } if(data.is_error == 'no') { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Your Coupon is successfull applied', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'green' }); $('#total_price_cart').html('₹' + data.result+'.00'); $('#coupan_value').html('- '+'₹' + data.coupon_value+'.00'); $("#total_amount").val(data.result); } } }); } } /*filteration data*/ $(document).ready(function() { // filter_data(); function filter_data() { $(".filter_data").html('
'); var action = 'fetch_data'; var price = $("#price").val(); var category_id = get_filter('category_id'); var size = get_filter('size'); var color = get_filter('color'); $.ajax({ url: "fetch_data.php", method: "POST", data: { action: action, category_id: category_id, price: price, size: size, color: color }, beforeSend: function() { $(".filter_data").html('
'); }, success: function(data) { $('.filter_data').html(data); } }); } function get_filter(class_name) { var filter = []; $('.' + class_name + ':checked').each(function() { filter.push($(this).val()); }); return filter; } $(".common_selector").click(function() { filter_data(); }); $(".js-range-slider").ionRangeSlider({ type: "double", min: 0, max: 5000, from:100, to:3000, grid: true, onChange: function () { // Called every time handle position is changed filter_data(); } }); }); function moveToCart(val){ $.ajax({ url: "move_to_cart_action.php", method: "POST", data: { val: val }, success: function(response) { if(response.trim() == "success") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Your product was successfully move from wishlist!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'green' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1500)); } else { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Try Again Latter!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1500)); } } }); } function cancealOrder(val){ $.ajax({ url: "cancel_order.php", method: "POST", data: { val: val }, success: function(response) { if(response.trim() == "success") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Your order successfully canceal !', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'green' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1500)); } else { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Try Again Latter!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1500)); } } }); } function manageEnquiry(pid, type, qty, vid) { var pid = pid; var type = type; var qty = qty; var vid = vid; $.ajax({ url: "manage_enquiry.php", method: "POST", data: { type: type, pid: pid, qty: qty, vid: vid }, success: function(response) { if(response.trim() == "allready_exit") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Good Job! You are already enquiry this product!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }); } else if(response.trim() == "not_login") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Good Job! Please login first !', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }); } else { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Thank you for enquiry us we will contact soon!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: '#151515' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1500)); $('.wishlist-counter').html(response); } } }); } function deleteEnquiry(pid, action) { $.ajax({ url: "manage_enquiry.php", method: "POST", data: { pid: pid, action: action }, success: function(response) { if(response.trim() == "success") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Your product was successfully remove from enquiry!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'green' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1500)); } else { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Try Again Latter!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1500)); } } }); } function deleteAddress(aid,action){ $.ajax({ url: "user_address_action.php", method: "POST", data: { aid: aid, action: action }, success: function(response) { if(response.trim() == "success") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Your address has been successfully remove !', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'green' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1500)); } else { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Try Again Latter!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1500)); } } }); } function changDeleiveryAddress(uid,aid,action){ $.ajax({ url: "user_address_action.php", method: "POST", data: { uid: uid, aid: aid, change_delivery_address: action }, success: function(response) { if(response.trim() == "success") { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Your delivery address has been successfully change !', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'green' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1500)); } else { Snackbar.show({ text: 'Try Again Latter!', pos: 'top-right', showAction: false, actionText: "Dismiss", duration: 2000, textColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'red' }, setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.href; }, 1500)); } } }); } // Function to copy text to the clipboard function copyTextToClipboard(value,action) { // Select the text input field // Create a text area element to copy the text var textArea = document.createElement("textarea"); textArea.value = value; // Append the text area to the document document.body.appendChild(textArea); // Select the text in the text area textArea.select(); // Copy the selected text to the clipboard document.execCommand("copy"); // Remove the temporary text area document.body.removeChild(textArea); // Display a message indicating that the text has been copied $("#checkout-discount-input").val(value); alert("Coupon Code has been copied to the clipboard"); }